Online Visibility Important for My Business?

There are a lot of SEO companies offering many different ways to boost your website’s visibility online, but very few of them even bother to tell you why. They just assume that you know why. So just in case you aren’t aware of the importance of online presence, here...

Will SEO Really Help Me Obtain More Business?

It has been more than a decade since businesses realized that SEO is a truly necessary investment. Billions of people use Google to find what they’re looking for online. And for many consumers, “googling” is one of the most important tools to help them make a buying...

Google Update and Your Business

In the search engine optimization (SEO) game Google has most of the power. As of 2014 Google completed 64% of the searches done online. We already know that having a optimized web presence is important. More and more people are turning to the internet to find the...

Does my small business really need a website?

When was the last time you used the yellow pages or any kind of phone book? We all have them (many of them) and there are times when it can be convenient — if you know exactly what you are looking for. Hopefully you will even find a few worthwhile listings. But...